


Different angles make a difference

Dr. Suppata Ponboon



  Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly
discovered coronavirus. It is mainly transmitted among person through droplets when the infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets flow in the air for a certain distance, and quickly drop on the ground. Social distance or physical distance is an intervention during COVID-19. By increasing the physical space between people, it is likely to reduce spreading illness. It creates the new normal for a living since Covid-19 started.

This artwork interprets how social distancing impact to our society and raise awareness for the new normal living.

Due to unavailability of COVID-19 vaccine at the moment, one of non-
pharmaceutical measure to prevent the virus is social distancing. The facts below are considered.

– Facing different angle
– Keeping space among people
– Wearing face mask to protect from breathing in airborne virus

From above facts, the artwork was created by applying ovals and circles to simplify
people wearing a face mask, standing or walking on the top view. The artwork consists with 360 ovals, or 360 people, rotated in different 360 degrees. Each oval has its own angle which isn’t repeat any others and has their own safe spacing boundary as same as the way how to keep social distancing.

COVID-19 is a global issue in five continents. Therefore, this artwork was created
with five colors, blue yellow black green and red, to represent diversity for people from all five continents in this world. These five colors’ tone were inspired from the Olympic Ring’s color in 2020 in order to honor the Olympic Game which should held in this year. All in all, the elements were arranged to appear to be moving like the spreading virus.

In the current world without COVID-19 vaccine, people need to protect themselves from infecting the virus from others. Likewise, the infected patients need to avoid themselves for not to spreading the virus to the others. Living in distance with different normal will help the mankind keeping their journey. It can make a difference.

Techniques and materials

Graphic Design

Size or Mins.

A1 paper (594 × 841 mm)

Copyright © 2020 RSU-Workinprogress. All Rights Reserved

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